








What is an Internet Browser?
A browser is a program that lets you view web pages.  What the program      actually   does, is decipher the internet languages, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, etc.     These languages change, and are being expanded upon daily.  That is why new  browsers come out every so often.

Popular Browsers
Some of the most popular browsers are Microsoft's Internet Explorer, and  Netscape Communicator (navigator).  Although there are many versions of each of these programs, they all work.  But some of you who have older versions, may not be able to view web pages, as they are supposed to be viewed.  They may not display right, or some of the special, graphical aspects of a certain page will be unavailable to you, due to the fact that you have an older browser. To upgrade, click on the links below to go to their respective owners sites. Remember always check your system requirements before upgrading.

MS Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 6  is available to users of Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition,  Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows NT Workstation 4.0, and Windows 2000 Professional operating systems. Those of you who meet these requirement and wish to can download it here. [Microsoft Windows Update]

 Netscape users will love this update.
Netscape 6.2 is the latest update to the Netscape browser suite, lets you accomplish more online with efficiency in completing tasks, power through more choice and safety with more control. It also supports Mac OS X and Windows XP.
[Netsape Download Site]

If you do not use either of these browsers, and would rather use another  one....go to to download the latest of the browser of your choice

HelpDesk Home Page

  webmaster: E. Carbone
  updated: 2/1/02