Docktor's Treasures & Trees - Willard & Alice Docktor (570) 869-1500. Quality country antique furniture, glassware, prmitives, crocks, pottery, collectibles, farm quipment & tools. Fresh-cut, balled & bagged Christmas trees. Hours: Fri. & Sat. 10-5, Sun. Noon-5. December: open every day. January/bad weather, call first. Also by chance or appointment.
DIRECTIONS: Take Rt. 267, 9 miles north of Meshoppen, 5 miles south of Lawton, turn at General Store, 1 mile. |
Brooks Farm Antiques & Collectibles -
Ron & Diane Brooks (570) 278-9313. Glass, pottery, furniture, farm-related relics, plus 50s - 60s memoribilia. Soup to nuts! Come visit us. We live on the farm. Open year 'round, seven days a week.
DIRECTIONS: Located on SR3023 between Rush & Elk Lake, 3 mi. East from Rush, Rt. 706 or 8 mi. from Dimock, Rt. 29. |
Mary's Home Furnishings -
Mary B. Gere (570) 278-2187. Oak, Country, antiques & collectibles. refinished and "as found". Hours: Tues. through Sat., 10:30 - 5:00, Sunday, 1:00 - 5:00. January/bad weather, call first. VISA, MasterCard.
DIRECTIONS: Rt. 29, South Montrose, PA 18843 (3 miles south of Montrose). |
Lee & Son Furniture & Antiques -
Donald & Rebekah Lee (570) 965-2121. "The Marketplace for Quality Country Antiques". We invite you to browse our two floors...over 400 square feet of 18th & 19th century antiques. Hours: Mon. through Sat., 10 - 5. Sunday by chance or appointment. VISA, MasterCard, cash, layaways.
DIRECTIONS: Located on Rt. 29, Springville, PA 18844. Ten miles north of Tunckhannock & ten miles south of Montrose. |
Aqua Inn Antiques 'n more -
Jack & Carol Masters (570) 289-4984 / Home: (570) 289-4581. Variety of antiques and collectibles in a comfy old inn setting. Hours: Jan. through April: Mon., Fri., Sat., 10-5. Sun., 1-5. May through Dec.: Mon., Thurs., Fri., Sat., 10-5. Sun., 1-5. Other days by chance or appointment.
DIRECTIONS: 2 Mill St., Kingsley, PA 18826. 1 block off Rt. 11. |
The Black Cat -
Kate Hari (570) 465-3327. Antiques, collectibles, crafts. Bought & Sold. Open all year. Fri. & Sat., 10:30 - 4:30, other days by chance or appointment.
DIRECTIONS: 31 Union St., New Milford, PA 18834. |
Never Too Old Antiques & Things -
Marion Leorard & Lil Davies (570) 465-7613. A variety of good quality antiques. Oen Thurs. through Sun., 11:30 - 4:30. Also by chance or appointment. Layaways.
DIRECTIONS: Rt. 11 between Hallstead & New Milford, PA at Summersville (in Precision Glass Bldg.). |
Not Just Antiques -
Pat Green (570) 756-GIFT. Quality antiques, collectibles, and crafts. Exceptional selection of glassware, pottery and porcelain. Hours: Thurs. through Sun., 10-5. Mon through Wed. by appointment.
DIRECTIONS: Rt. 22, Jackson, PA 18825. Exit 211 on I-81. |
The Treasure Chest -
Sandy Yannotta (570) 222-4020. Come explore our treasures...antiques, collectibles, handcrafts, unique cards & gifts. Open Fri., Sat. & Sun., 12-5. Other days by chance or appointment. VISA, MasterCard, Discover, Layaways.
DIRECTIONS: I-81, Exit 211, 92N 3 miles, corner going to Elk Mtn., South Gibson, PA. |
The Marten Creek Switch Shoppes -
Jan Watkins (570) 942-4105. Antiqoes, "old things", collectibles, primitives, furniture, clocks, quilts, crocks, pottery, china, Depression glass, Fiesta, tools and much more! Winter/Spring Hours: Fri., Sat., Mon., 10-5. Sun., 12-5. Summer/Fall Hours: Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mon., 10-5. Sunday 12-5. Year' round: Tues. & Wed. by chance or appointment.
DIRECTIONS: Rt. 11 between Nicholson & Hop Bottom. |
Lucy's Corner Cabinet -
Lucy & Fred Vierling (570) 222-3737. S
DIRECTIONS: Rt. 22, Lenox, PA 18826. Six miles North of Nicholson, 4 miles South of Exit 211 on I-81. |
The Carriage Barn Antiques - (570) 587-5405.
Come for a visit. Take Back something worth remembering! The Largest Antique Store In Northeast Pennsylvania. If you are looking for furniture with elegance, style and old-fashioned craftsmanship, come to The Carriage Barn Antiques!
DIRECTIONS: See website for directions. |