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Fern Hall/Scottish Glen - RR1, Carbondale, PA 18407. (570) 222-2500. 9 holes. Reservations on weekends. Driving Range, restaurant, bar, club/cart rental.

DIRECTIONS: From Stone Bridge, take right out of access road, follow this road for about 5 mi. to village of Dundaff, at blinker light turn left, go about 1 mi., Fern Hall is on left.

Lake Lorain Golf Club - Rt. 370, Poyntelle, PA 18454. (570) 448-2232. 9 holes, driving range, pro shop, snack bar, restaurant/bar, club/cart rental.

DIRECTIONS: From Stone Bridge, take right out of access road, follow this road for about 2.5 mi. (it becomes Rt. 374E). At Dimock Corners intersection, turn right, still on Rt. 374E, follow about 3 mi to stop sign at intersection with Rt. 171, take left onto Rt. 171N, go about 4 mi., take right onto Rt. 370E, go about 4 mi., course on right.

Memorial Links - Rt. 170, Pleasant Mount, PA 18453. (570) 448-9200. 9 holes, reservations on weekends.

DIRECTIONS: From Stone Bridge, take left out of access road, follow directions to Lake Lorain (above) until you get to Rt. 171 intersection. Go across Rt. 171 to Rt. 371E into town of Pleasant Mount. At "Y" bear right onto Rt. 670. Follow to a stop sign, turn right onto Rt. 170S. Go about .5 mi. Memorial Links access road is on the right.

Panorama Golf Course - RR 1, Forest City, PA 18421. (570) 222-3525. 18 holes, reservations on weekends, pro shop, snack bar, restaurant/bar, club/cart rental.

DIRECTIONS: From Stone Bridge, take right out of access road, go about 2 mi., take left at horse farm (see sign on fence for Oliveri's Crystal Lake Motel), follow this road for 1.5 mi. to stop sign, take right onto main road (not the hard right - again see a sign to Oliveri's), go 2 mi. to intersection with Rt. 247, take right, go 1/4 mi., parking on left.

Rock Creek Golf Course - RR 1, Box 1372, Nicholson, PA 18446. (570) 222-2500. 9 holes, reservations on weekends, driving range, pro shop, golf school, snack bar, club/cart rental.

DIRECTIONS: From Stone Bridge, take left out of access road, go 1 mi. and take left onto Rt. 374W, follow Rt. 374W for about 10 mi., going under I-81, still on Rt. 374, then 1/2 mi. on right.

Shadowbrook Golf Course - Rt. 6, Tunkhannock, PA 18657. (570) 836-5417. 18 holes, reservations April - Sept., driving range, pro shop, golf school, snack bar, club/cart rental.

DIRECTIONS: From Stone Bridge, follow directions to Rock Creek Glf Course above, but continue past it until Rt. 374 ends at intersection with Rt. 92, take left onto Rt. 92S, go through Nicholson, towards Tnukhannock. Merge right onto Rt. 6W, Shadowbrook is on right.

Skyline Golf Course - RR 1 Box 160, Carbondale, PA 18407. (570) 282-5993. 18 holes, snack bar, club/cart rental.

DIRECTIONS: From Stone Bridge, take right out of access road, follow this raod for about 5 mi. through village of Dundaff (1st blinker light), continue for about 2 mi. to intersection with Rt. 106 (2nd blinker light), go straight onto Rt. 247S, go about 1.5 mi. and look for sign for where to turn left.

Sleepy Hollow - Rt. 247, Chapman Lake, PA. (570) 254-4653. 18 holes

DIRECTIONS: Follow same directions to Skyline (above), but while on Rt. 247S, continue past entrance to Skyline for 2 mi., then take left at sign (before crossing Rt. 107).

Courses in the Binghamton Area

Conklin Players Club - 1520 Conklin Road, Conklin, NY 13748. (607) 775-3042

DIRECTIONS: See website.

Links at Hiawatha Landing - 2350 Marshland Road, P.O. Box 451, Apalachin, NY 13732. (607) 687-6952

DIRECTIONS: See website.

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