packard bell computer for sale windows 98 only 1 yr old
got a new puter
selling for 600 neg please call 570 756 4044 or write
Word processor -brother, model-wp3410, 12"screen monitor, key
board, disk drive, cassette daisy wheel,
corr tape, two operating modes - w/p and typewriter, advanced functions,
file operations, on screen editing,
grammar check system, spell check, dictionary user, spreadsheet mode,
comes with users guide book and
floppy disk for spreadsheet program/punctuation alert...great for high
school or college student...
all for only $ 250.00
e-mail us at
or call at 570-222-9025
Web TV, one year old, includes wirerless keyboard and remote,
asking $100,
For Sale: Tandy 1000TL computer with 13" monitor and printer.
Call 465-9577 or E-MAIL
1 NEC 750 Superscript JetPrinter 2 years old. Hardly used
$200.00 Firm
call (570) 282-4662 or email: