Stone Bridge Inn GPS coordinates
41 42.996
75 31.665

From New York City/New Jersey:

  • Take George Washington Bridge to I-80. Take I-80 West to I-380.
  • Take I-380 North to I-81 (Scranton, PA).
  • Take I-81 North to Exit 206 (old Exit 63: Lenoxville/Glenwood/Elk Mountain Ski Area).
  • Go right off ramp onto Rt. 374 East and follow signs to Elk Mtn. for about 8 miles.
  • Go 1 mile past Elk Mtn. to stop sign.
  • Take right at stop sign and go 1 mile to our entrance on right. (About 1/2 mile before our entrance, there is a small sign on the right that says “Stone Bridge Rd.”  This is not our entrance – continue for another 1/2 mile.)ue for another 1/2 type="circle">Go up long hill and keep bearing right until you see our buildings which are all white stucco, centered around a circular courtyard.

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From Upstate New York

  • Take I-81 South through Binghamton, NY into Pennsylvania. Take I-81 South to Exit 211 (Lenox).
  • Go right on Rt. 92 South, then left at blinker light onto Rt. 106 East.
  • Follow Rt. 106 for approx. 3 miles to West Clifford (Dunnier's Country Store/Shell Gas on left).
  • Take left here onto Rt. 374 East, and follow signs to Elk Mtn. for about 5 miles.
  • Go 1 mile past Elk Mtn. to stop sign.
  • Take right at stop sign and go 1 mile to our entrance on right. (About 1/2 mile before our entrance, there is a small sign on the right that says “Stone Bridge Rd.”  This is not our entrance – continue for another 1/2 mile.)
  • Go up long hill and keep bearing right until you see our buildings which are all white stucco, centered around a circular courtyard.

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From Philadelphia

  • Take Northeast Extension of PA Turnpike (Rt. 476) to the end (Clarks Summit).
  • Take I-81 North to Exit 206 (old Exit 63: Lenoxville/Glenwood/Elk Mountain Ski Area).
  • Go right off ramp onto Rt. 374 East, and follow signs to Elk Mtn. for approx 8 miles.
  • Go 1 mile past Elk Mtn. to stop sign.
  • Take right at stop sign and go 1 mile to our entrance on right. (About 1/2 mile before our entrance, there is a small sign on the right that says “Stone Bridge Rd.”  This is not our entrance – continue for another 1/2 mile.)
  • Go up long hill and keep bearing right until you see our buildings which are all white stucco, centered around a circular courtyard.

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Stone Bridge Inn & Restaurant
306 Sugar Hill Rd., Union Dale, PA 18470
Restaurant: (570) 679-9500
Inn: (570) 679-9200