Exercise Equipment

Weider 3-Station Gym Pack for sale.  Includes stepper, bench press & fly
machine.  Like new.  Asking $175.00.  E-mail at zoocrew@nep.net

Power walk plus manual treadmill with timer and headset. $50.00
Please email: marboble@nep.net

DP Treadmill, Speed up to 6 MPH, Very good condition, $400.  Call
570-434-9039 or contact us a rettberg@nep.net

Exercise Equipment wanted -  Specifically Used Bow-Flex in good
condition.   Foldable and Portable.    Willing to trade Weider Multiple
Weight Bench with up to 200 lbs weights, leg press, butterfly, stepper,
pull down, or sell/purchase. contact orson55@nep.net
or call 727-2069

Weslo treadmill 1 year old. 0 to 15 MPH. Adjustable height. New $700.00.
Will sell for 400.00. Excellent Condition.  email: jsgs@nep.net
